White Writers, We Must Do Better
Hi there,
I hope everyone is doing alright.
Today is not the time for my advice on writing. For myself and other white writers: Now is the time for us to reflect, listen, and take actions to be better in our lives and in our work.
I took a survey of my book shelf recently. I have about 100 books and only two of them are by Black authors. That’s not OK. That is just one small example of something I’d like to correct. There are so many more.
White and non-black writers, in seeking education and ways to combat the anti-black racism in ourselves, our industry, and our work, we can not put the burden on Black people to teach us. That said, many Black writers and writers of color have been sharing important lessons for all of us. Below, I’ve collected some tweets that speak to the ways we write and react in this moment, along with some additional articles. I hope you’ll read through them, follow these accounts, and share their work.
And to Black writers and writers of colors so tirelessly sharing your perspective and your pain through stories and social media: Thank you. You shouldn’t have to do this.
While I did just say that now is not the time for my advice, here are some things I feel confident suggesting all of us non-black writers do more of:
Support Black writers.
Pay Black writers.
Read Black writers.
Examine anti-blackness in our own work, our industry, and our communities.
Acknowledge our privilege.
Make space for more Black stories—always.
Black and NBPOC journalists are constantly told we have to “be careful” about being “too close” to a story - maybe white journalists should consider how close they are to racism if they can’t call it what it is.If you’re a journalist, particularly a wht one, just coming to the realization that Trump is a racist or just bringing yourself to call him that, you have some soul-searching to do yourself. What were you waiting for? What was you’re definition? These tweet crossed your red line?Charles M. Blow @CharlesMBlow

Recommended Reading
Living Abroad is My Way of Prolonging My Black Son’s Life (New York Times)
Riot or Resistance? The way the media frames the unrest in Minneapolis will shape the public’s view of protest (Nieman Lab)
Take care of yourselves, everyone.